Thursday, October 7, 2010


As I was sitting quietly, minding my own business The Moose decided to come up and get my attention.  He chose a rather non-conventional method which is frowned upon by most members of society but certainly did the job to a tee.  He came as a wolf in sheep's clothing...all sweet, cute and non-assuming.  Leaned into my arm and delivered the Bite of a Hound!  He actually sunk in his teeth and pulled back for that "extra special" affect.  Instant bruising and the removal of the epidermis to the likes of which I practically fell out of my seat.  A scream matching the kid from Home Alone was expelled by me.  Tears of fear from the boy resembling that of a crocodile.  I can't say I question why he did it, as I enjoy a good bite as much as the next gal.  But there is just something about a 6am delivery of such an unexpected blow that is so jarring it makes the whole thing just wrong.  I am intrigued to know if my antics and upheaval will inspire him to do it again or not even consider it.  I remember the first time Mya bit me (whilst be old enough to know what she was doing), I was drying her off after a shower and she just leaned over and bit me.  The blasted arm again.  In sheer reflex I bit her back.  Call CPS right now, I know!  While it hurt her and she cried, she decided that it was a game and a few days later returned moves and bit me in the back this time.  Holy hell did I scream...she got only a little skin in her teeth and pulled back in one quick and sudden movement.  I had to get my wits about me the second time around a deliver the "Time Out" instead of corporal punishment.  That coupled with the blood curdling scream and the Eye of the Tiger that I gave her has seemingly curbed her enthusiasm for the game as she hasn't done such since.  We shall see how this plays out in the boy version.  Stay tuned...

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