Sunday, October 10, 2010

Finish That Sentence...

So early yesterday morning, Hubba Hubba, Moose and I were all watching Sports Center.  Now let me set the stage for the events following:

First and foremost, you need to know that my hubby is the biggest Bay Area boy on the planet.  If a Bay Area team is in contention he is backing them 100%.  With the MLB Playoffs in full force he was grumbling about the SF Giants loss the night before.  As we are viewing highlights from the game he is getting more and more irritated.  At a point in the game, the catcher for the Giants was running down the 3rd baseline attempting to catch a pop foul and collided with the Giants 3rd baseman.  Upon collision the 3rd baseman was laid out on the ground and not moving at all to which I inquire "Did he get knocked out?"  With much disdain, my hubby replies, "NO! He's just being a little..." at which point, he stops in his tracks, catches his tongue and decides that with little ears in the room it is a word better left unsaid.  Low and behold, the one with the "little ears" and sweeet little lips subsequently utters the word *bitch* to accurately finish Daddy's sentence...are you kidding me!?  Even when watching our mouths they still know what we WANT to say so we may as well go ahead and say it.  But I beg to know how a child of 1.5 years knows precisely when another grown man is wearing his proverbial "sissy pants?"  We laughed for about 10 minutes....but with that I must say I think I will chuckle for weeks if not years to come.


  1. that is hilarious!!! can't believe chase said that....too funny katie!

  2. Too funny. We are, of course, also watching the Giants. Right now they are locked in a 2-2 tie in game 6 of the nlcs and the suspense is killing me. Susan
