Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Schmorgasboard Tuesday

So I have nothing of literal thought to bring to the table.  Only a few little tid-bits that were shared with us yesterday that I, in turn, feel the need to share "out loud."

First off, while reading our bedtime books last night (about the human body, muscles, bones etc.) the Tiny Dancer chimed in, out of absolutely nowhere with, "Mommy, excuse me?" to which I gave pause and eye contact.  She then emphatically proceeded, "I really like boys!"  Hmmm, ummm, okkkkk??  I think I actually got flush at this point...with fear, not embarrassment.  For the first time in motherhood I was faced with the staunch reality that my daughter will, in fact, DATE!  For the, oh I'd say millionth time, I wanted to turn in my "mommy crown" and call it quits noting lack of stomach, courage and discipline to stay the course of this job.  Then I thought, perhaps you are over NEVER do that! HA!  So I asked Part B of the question..."Mya, WHY do you like boys so much."  Hoping for "They like to eat lunch like I do." and instead got "Because they always do such nice things for me!"  Boys are ALREADY doing nice things for her?  She is THREE!!  So I then wanted to summon her to define "nice" and thought better of it.  Wanted to email her teacher and get the list of names of all of the boys in her preschool to conduct a thorough investigation of deeds, motives and intentions.  Again, thought better as I knew I was in over my head.  Choosing today to believe that the "boys" that do nice things for her are her daddy and brother. A girl can dream, right?

So then we are at tid bit 2.  I made some delicious banana bread yesterday afternoon with the little princess which the family was enjoying in the kitchen last night.  Chase-Moose had easily stuffed two helpings-full in his mouth simultaneously.  This seems to be his preferred method of self-feeding so we have stopped trying to retrieve said heapings as he always seems to work it out.  Hubba Hubba had devoured his already and was at the sink downing a glass of water.  At which point The Moose sees the thirst of his father being quenched, jumps out of his chair and about trips over his own feet from running so fast to sit at my husband's feet and say what sounded like "DRINK!!!"  Only when he tried to say this word he realized (or rather didn't realize) that he had a mouthful of morsels and proceeded to spew the bread forth all over the floor.  It was one of those "had to be there" moments but the urgency that this tot had about getting a drink of water along with the inability to verbalize because of the hindrance had us on the floor in tears.  Perhaps the bread was not as moist and delicious as previously thought?

And the third and final tid bit comes to you from our Manners Department.  The Moose was again irritated at the fact that he was wearing clothes and summoned his dad for some removal assistance.  Of course, dad obliged and helped him off with the get-up.  I sat there and watched the exchange.  Once the task was completed Chase stood in the living room looking very relieved and proud.  I turned to him and said "Ok Chase, what do you say to Daddy?"  Got nothin.  So I thought, perhaps he didn't hear me.  Repeated, "Chaaase, WHAT do you say to Daddy?" at which point the boy literally looked him DEAD in the eye and released the loudest, most thunderous gaseous expression I have ever heard come from a baby.  The diaper did absolutely no muffling.  Seriously, this was as if on que and completely intentional.  He did not smile, wince, blink or stutter.  Just looked at him as if to say "THAT is what I say to Daddy! Now shut it!"  A very unique way to give thanks I suppose, but we were both so stunned and amused that we could not contain ourselves enough to continue the "Thank You" charade.  Just goes to show I am going to have to work long and hard on my poker face cuz I am not even in the ball park of having it down with this one.  I went to bed last night STILL giggling about it.  I actually had to put a horrible thought into my head to get myself "serious" about sleeping for fear my giggling fit would shake the bed and wake The Boy. 

Another fine day in the Cunning Casa.

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