Thursday, October 28, 2010

Liar Liar?!

It seems I always have the most interesting conversations with my daughter while she is going to the bathroom.  I'm not sure why this is.  Perhaps because she feels she has my full and undivided attention?  She finally has me sitting still for 10 minutes so she feels the need to wax intellectual?  Whatever the case, we had another one last night. 

Now, as I have mentioned in past blogs and for those of you who have known my history with my daughter she has NEVER and I literally mean NEVER been a good sleeper.  The first year of her life I was an absolute ZOMBIE.  Things got a little better after her second year but she still wakes me at least 3 times a week and on those nights it's usually more than once.  That being said, we have tried everything in the books to get this kid to zonk short of letting her sleep in our bed.  The "old faithful" tricks fell to the way-side with this one.  So suffice it to say, sleep is a sensitive subject when it comes to her.  I will hear her in her room singing at 11pm...and this is after a day of action-packed excitement or nothing at all.  Doesn't seem to matter what her days look like.  The nights all look the same.  We have talked to her about this ad nauseum to no avail and have finally conceded that she just hates to sleep.  So when she brought this nugget to The Bowl it really kind of floored me. 

As she is sitting there, kicking her legs she turns to me and says "Mommy, I really looove to sleep!"  I can't be certain but I think I audibly gasped at this comment.  The next words out of my mouth were almost "YOU LIAR!"  but I considered quickly that calling my daughter a name like that, may in fact, stick and I certainly don't want any part in feeling guilty about making her such.  So I just sat there and listened, knowing there was more to this story...So she proceeds to say "Ya, I love to sleep because it makes me so honest!"  "HONEST?" I questioned.  "Yes, honest!" she assures me.  So in the same conversation that I hold back name-calling she claims to be the exact opposite of what I was about to call her?  What the hell is going on here?  This child is claiming to adore the very thing she has been fighting tooth and nail for all of her being?Then as a result of said adoration she in turn has developed honesty?  Are you kidding me?  Part of me thinks that someone is trying to play tricks on me.  Part of me thinks that my mom is sending her good-humor from the beyond and is having a little chuckle at my expense.  And the last part of me thinks God enjoys seeing steam come from my ears and sparks fly from my eyes, ever challenging me to think outside of the box, roll with the punches and never say never.  Whatever the case may be this life never ceases to amaze.  It's the little things...they just make all the difference.  Hope your day brings you "little differences." :)

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