Well, it's been another eventful few days. Last I wrote we had hit the doctor for a little hiney check as there was reason to believe that with all of my illness last week that the fe-mini may have, once again, contracted the Booty Strep. We had some nether region issues earlier in the week which the nurse on call decided needed fairly prompt attention but I was thinking something along the lines of your garden variety log jam...I suppose being that this is precisely what I thought the last time this strep diagnosis came down the pipes, in the future if I believe it to be constipation it will most certainly be strep. As a kid I used to get strep throat quite frequently. Evidently my kids will be getting it frequently, just in another region of the body. Being that I have only had strep of the throat I still shudder to think how badly the other would hurt.
When I brought my gal into the doctor she did her evaluation to which I stood, like any mom would and just oversaw. I didn't get eye level with the situation like the doctor did but I watched her technique. A sweep of the legs, a gaze of the affected "area" with the eyes, an administration or gathering, if you will, of the culture and back to business as usual. She was fairly certain, on sight, that this was going to be another strep diagnosis. Asked if we wanted to start on the drugs immediately or wait for the results. Still being in denial that this could be happening again and not being a big fan of medicating my kid without true necessity, I opted to wait. We went along with our day as previously planned and kind of forgot about the whole thing.
A few hours later there was a whimper from the princess. "My tummmmmy huuuuurts!" she bellowed. So, as always, I suggested a visit to the facilities. She agreed that this was in order and assumed the position. About 2 minutes into the ordeal she started to cry. I went in to check on her at which point she said it was "ouchie" and she needed a tummy massage. On previous occasions this has seemed to help the situation immensely so I obviously obliged. We have a couch in our bedroom so she laid down on her back and let me work my magic. This is the part where hindsight (no pun intended) is 20-20. After about 5 minutes of massaging her and feeling like we had made some progress I alert her that she might want to try again. I felt as though things had made a proper shift and perhaps loosened a bit as to not make the whole endeavor so painful. But before I let her up the ever-curious motherly mind said "Hold on one second." I decided that I wanted to be in the shoes of the pediatrician for a moment and see what she was seeing--perhaps this visual would help me the next go-round. So I recalled the technique...sweep of the legs, gaze of the area...ahh! I see what she was seeing! And suddenly my "view" was clouded so to speak. I was no longer looking at hind quarters--out of the corner of my eye I was seeing a "talking" starfish. I shook my head quickly as to brush it off and then the smell hit me. I was thinking the blinking starfish was simply a human being's reflex to having their legs swept over their head but she then confirmed my subconscious fear. As she lay there giggling and surprised she said, "Wow Mommy! Three toots in a row!" I threw up a little in my mouth, jumped up and told her to hit the throne. Mom's Observational Hour was over with an abrupt and traumatic finale. I guess this will teach me to leave the doctor's work to the doctor.
I am sure some of you are calling me a priss right now. Saying that this is my kid, it's no big deal and nothing to write home about. Well, maybe for you this is true but I will just tell you that it is well documented that I suffer from an acute case of fart-phobia. Anyone who knows me, knows this about me and after sharing a few accounts of my childhood they understand with a distinct certainty how this phobia came to be. That's not to say they don't use it against me at any given juncture but this is something that I must make known once a close relationship starts. It's a true litmus test for any of my relationships. Shallow as this may be, I've got my limits. I'm not sure if there have been any certified studies on this sort of disorder but I would be happy to join in on any research that is being done on the topic. It is possible that I am the only victim of this ailment. In sharing my past with close friends it has been, on more than one account, established that this was not the run of the mill childhood experience. Ironically I was just recently able to confront the assailant--again, no pun intended, who instilled this fear in me and was able to share my life-long struggle with said phobia. I was able to re-enact the precise manner in which this horror was bestowed. In sharing these feelings I felt I had gained a immense amount of strength which was truly unsurpassed. I had challenged my aggressor, faced my demons and felt like real headway was made with this profession. That was until this day. This face-to-"face" showdown was one that I clearly was not prepared for and after having experienced it I am sure that this is my Kryptonite.
I guess it's important to know your limitations & boundaries, fears & loathings. While this was an inadvertent slip and one that I would say I had coming to me it made me realize that I am not as strong as I thought I was. I find it liberating to be honest with myself about these slights in life, however minuscule and inconsequential they may seem to the average person. I suppose we all have our little fears and abhorrences that may make NO sense to another and herein lies our unique cloth. I will carry on today knowing that I have sufficiently over-shared yet another segment of my life in hopes that we can all get a little closer to our "crazy" and embrace it wholeheartedly. Craziness is something I am no longer ashamed of and therein lies my ability to broadcast these embarrassments.
Knowledge is power. Acceptance is strength. Sharing is caring! Today, this is my mantra.
Love it! Love you!!