Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I'm not sure where this latest phase is coming from but it is one that has made me chuckle on more than one occasion.  The female mini has taken to saying that she is willing to "accept" certain things.  These "certain things" are as follows:

On Christmas morning we gifted our children with a Little Tykes Bounce House.  The Hubba and I discussed what "big" gift we should bestow upon our mini's and he was emphatic about the bounce house.  He saw it in the Toy's R Us circular about 2 months prior to the big day and he just HAD to get it for them.  Being that it requires them to actually get off of their rumps and DO something I was game.  Especially since winter in Colorado with small kids who are sensitive to cold seems to be the never ending season of doom where at the end I would like nothing more than to shave my head and freak out like Britney Spears did.  The phrase "cabin fever" takes on a whole new meaning for me and anything involving an expenditure of pent up energy for the wee ones is certainly a great idea in my book.  That coupled with the fact that my daughter is a bounce house junkie made this all the merrier of an idea.  So, Christmas morning we inflated the monster and led the kids downstairs for the unveiling.  At first the gal was a bit scared.  She didn't really know what to do with the fact that there was a bounce house IN her house.  Loud and ready to swallow her, she wasn't quite sure.  Being the insistent mother I am, I pushed her in.  And boy you could just feel the joy.  They jumped and fell and squealed and ran...it was a morning of delight.  About 20 minutes into the tomfoolery she turned to Hubba and me and said "Thank you for this bounce house guys.  I accept this gift!"....Come again?  You ACCEPT this gift?  Are you serious?  I should hope f@(^%ng so!  This is the best gift a child of your age could ever hope to get aside from perhaps a pony which just ain't gonna happen!  You accept it?!  Sheesh!  I didn't make a big deal about it.  Just laughed and figured she had her words mixed up and wasn't quite clear on the true definition of the word "accept." 

Then a couple of days later we were having one of our infamous "Chats from the Throne" wherein she spills the beans both figuratively and literally.  I'm not quite sure why but that bathroom seems to be her verbal, expressive mecca and I (or any other human who is lucky enough to chaperon this expedition) get a full dissertation of her thoughts and feelings on a plethora of subjects ranging from death and heaven to butterflies and the okapi!  You just never really know what you're gonna get but chances are pretty good it will be interesting.  So on this eve in particular she shares her love for me.  This is a topic I can truly never get enough of probably because most of the time she is managing to show me with her actions that she feels quite the opposite.  So I am soaking up her compliments when she says, "You know mommy I wouldn't accept any other mommy than you.  You are my favorite mommy in the whole world!" (making me think that there might be other mommy's in the running here but whatever) Then she continues with her acceptance.  She states "I love our family and would accept no other family than this.  Our family is cute and friendly and kind to one and all.  I would accept no other family."  Then just for good measure she includes her love of our house and how she would accept no other house than this. 

All of these disclosures point to the fact that she is quite clear on acceptance and just what that word means.  So now I am left with the knowledge that while my girl is happy with all of the things in her life she is also QUITE particular and direct about what she will and will not allow in it.  This will be a tough act to keep up for the rest of eternity...


  1. Too cute, Katie. Logan was using the word "prefer" and I asked him if he knew what it meant. His reply: "Mom, Bella wants Jacob, but she PREFERS Edward." Love it when they "try on" new words (and when they do so using such great subject matter).

  2. Holy crap what an awesome Christmas present for the midgets. What a great way to burn off energy and hasten nap/bed time.
